There are several parties involved in the transaction life cycle starting with the customer when they decide to make a payment to a merchant, the customer’s bank, the payment processor or gateway, and of course, the merchant.
Even though there are multiple parties involved in this process, they all bear different responsibilities. Payment processors and gateways like Paystack help merchants simplify or automate the collection of their payments while providing secure payment options to their customers.
The merchant who is the ultimate beneficiary of the successful payment is solely responsible for providing quick value or delivery of the quality goods/services paid for by the customer.
If you make a successful payment to a Paystack merchant and you do not receive value for your payment within the agreed, estimated or implied value delivery timeline, here are a few steps you can take to resolve this:
Important to note
If you attempt a payment via Paystack and it fails or you’re unsure of the status of the payment, please see this article for the steps you can take to get this resolved.
Contact the merchant: As a first step, we advise you to reach out to the merchant you made the payment to via their support channels and explain the issue to them. If your email address was used to make the payment, you would’ve received a Paystack payment receipt in your inbox. This receipt will carry a unique reference for your payment and you can offer this to the merchant to help them investigate on their end. The receipt also contains the merchant’s support email address.
A - Merchant contact information. This address will be unique to the merchant’s business so it’s helpful to confirm the address before sending an email. If you have another responsive address for the merchant, feel free to use that too!
B - Unique transaction reference
Reach out to our team: If the merchant is unable to resolve the issue or you’re unable to contact the merchant, you can reach out to our team with the following transaction information: transaction reference, debit alert or the payment receipt, account number, and the first 6 and last 4 digits on your card (if you paid with your card) to help us investigate. You can always reach out to us via email at or via the following dedicated country support phone numbers available here:
If the issue still isn’t resolved after going through the first two steps, you can go ahead to file a chargeback at your bank or via their online support channels (email or social media).
A chargeback is a request for the reversal of a payment made to a business by the customer and the customer makes this request through their bank. The chargeback process is used as a form of consumer protection to secure the customer's interest in wrongful transactions. This means a customer has the right to file a chargeback for a transaction if there is a valid reason to do so.
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