Our Transfers feature allows you to send money from your Paystack balance to bank accounts in your country.
Important to Note:
Paystack Starter Businesses do not have access to the Top Up feature on the Dashboard. If you wish to make use of the Top Up feature, you can upgrade your business to a Paystack Registered Business, where you're required to submit your business registration document and your business corporate account. You can upgrade your business by choosing the 'Registered business' option under Business Type here.
The Transfers Page
The Transfers page contains a record of all transfers made from your Paystack business. Here are a few ways you can interact with this page:
- Here you can quickly filter for all the transfers you've made to a particular recipient.
- This allows you to further filter by status, date, and transfer reference.
- Using the search bar here, you can find a specific transfer with the transfer code or transfer reference.
- This is where you start a new transfer from the dashboard.
- The export CSV function enables you to download a list of transfers you've filtered for.
- This captures your available balance, you can also view your Balance History.
It’s free to top up your balance for Nigeria and Ghana-based businesses, but there’s a 1% top-up fee per transaction for South Africa-based businesses. You can find more information here: The Paystack Top Up feature - This shows the count of the transfers you've completed.
- Here you can see the number of transfer recipients you have and retrieve recipient codes.
For detailed guides on making single and bulk transfers from your dashboard please refer to the articles below:
How much does it cost to make a transfer?
Our transfer fees vary by country and sometimes by the amount you are trying to transfer. For a detailed breakdown of our fees see the table below:
Country |
Band |
Price |
Ghana |
Transfers to Mobile Money Transfers to Bank Accounts |
GHS 1 per successful transfer GHS 8 per successful transfer |
Kenya |
M-PESA transfers between KES 10 and KES 1,500 | KES 20 per successful transfer |
M-PESA transfers between KES 1,501 and KES 20,000 | KES 40 per successful transfer | |
M-PESA transfers above KES 20,001 | KES 60 per successful transfer | |
Nigeria | Transfers of NGN 5,000 and below | NGN 10 per successful transfer |
Transfers between NGN 5,001 and NGN 50,000 | NGN 25 per successful transfer | |
Transfers above NGN 50,000 | NGN 50 per successful transfer | |
South Africa | N/A | ZAR 3 per transfer (failed or successful) |
We have an Account Validation API that South Africa-based businesses can use to perform an additional verification check before proceeding with the transfer. This API allows the merchant to validate both personal and business accounts and costs ZAR 3 for every successful request. You can check out our developer documentation for more information about this.
What is the minimum amount and maximum amount I can transfer?
This value also varies by country, please find a breakdown below:
Country |
Minimum Transfer Amount |
Maximum Transfer Amount |
Ghana | GHS 1 | GHS 50,000 |
Kenya | KES 10 | KES 150,000 |
Nigeria | NGN 50 | NGN 10,000,000 |
South Africa | ZAR 1 | ZAR 1,000,000 |
If you want to increase your transfer limit, please see here.
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